Smart Learning Suite Support

Limited mode

After you download SMART Notebook, you have a 45-day free trial period with free access to premium features. After your free trial ends or your subscription expires, SMART Notebook software enters limited mode. In limited mode, premium featuresare disabled.

During the first 45 days of use, you have free access to all of the features in SMART Notebook 18. You’ll need to create an account and sign in to use premium features, but no subscription is required.

Once the 45 days are over, your download will switch to limited mode unless you activate your subscription.

SMART Notebook 18 enters limited mode after your 45-day free trial ends or your subscription expires.

In limited mode, basic features in SMART Notebook are available bu premium features are not. Expiry notifications appear each time you open SMART Notebook.

If your school subscribes to SMART Learning Suite, you’ll regain access to premium features and the expiry notifications will stop.

Disabled premium features in limited mode

If you’re using SMART Notebook 18 during a free trial period or while you have an active subscription , premium features are available. When the software enters limited mode, the following features are no longer available, or will behave differently:

Premium feature Behavior in limited mode
Activities & assessments All existing content is maintained, but is read-only. New activities cannot be created.
YouTube add-on Existing videos remain, but you cannot search for or insert new videos.
Image Web Search add-on Existing images appear, but you cannot search for new images.
Concept Mapping add-on All existing concept maps are maintained, but new concept maps cannot be created.
Lesson Recorder add-on Existing recordings will play, but you cannot create new recordings.
SMART Blocks add-on Runs existing SMART Blocks, but you cannot add new SMART Blocks. (Blocks aren’t launched.)
kapp add-on Won’t open.
Maestro Won’t open.
Screen View Dual page and transparent background options are not available. Full screen is now available (new in Notebook 18).
Share files to board or share using a link You can’t share files through Share to Board or Share using a Link.
No watermark The SMART watermark appears on each page. This watermark will disappear when you are connected to a SMART Board.


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